Ateblon Cymru

Atebion Cymru

Accessible Wales is proud to annouce that we are in the process of forming a new not for proffit organisation to replace Accessible News. At the moment Atebion Cymru website is yet to go live but we’d like to provide you with some information on the organisation. In the meantime you can still visit Accessible News, a website which features the Accessible Companies Index.

An Introduction To Atebion Cymru:

Accessible News the non-profit arm of Accessible Wales will soon be phased out and renamed as Atebion Cymru.  Atebion Cymru will be a voluntary organisation that will offer people with disabilities the ‘answers’ to their issues. We were inspired by this and used use the word ‘Atebion’ as it is Welsh for ‘answers’.  Atebion Cymru does more than offer news; we give answers!
See below for an outline of Atebion’s two main services:

News Service:

The news services will take the form of a bi-monthly magazine, which will focus on news about disability nationally and internationally. This will have a strong online presence, with a searchable online database of accessible venues in South Wales. This index will look at all areas of disability and will be set up to look at more than just physical access (printed material, customer service etc).

Public Engagement and Advice Service:

There will be other services offered by Atebion Cymru which will aim to engage with the public.  These services will range from fundraising for a chosen charity, campaigning about issues that may arise concerning disabilities. Forums will be developed in various areas to network people and services together.  Atebion wants to bring individuals and organisations together to share their experiences and knowledge to help strengthen society.  Atebion Cymru also intends to hold a number of drop-in sessions for members of the public to meet with varying organisations and agencies.  This will allow members of the public to gain access to the services that they provide.

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